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Benefits to working with a Health Coach:

  • Stress is behind so many chronic health conditions and can cause problems with our health, relationships, workplaces and physical activity levels. Working with your Heath Coach you can recognise your areas of stress and find workable ways to make tangible differences in your stress levels.

  • Not functioning at your full potential has an impact on your financial stability and your career. Investing in your health and lifestyle now will prevent greater costs in the future in lost earnings, increased insurance costs, medical costs and much more.

  • Making big or small changes to your diet can be challenge, especially with if there is a health related reason for making the change. A Health Coach can help you figure out how you can make the changes to your diet work for you and your family. Coaching can assist with weight management, diabetes and diabetes management, insulin resistance, cholesterol adjustment, reduce inflammation, increased immunity function, dietary support for autoimmune conditions and so much more.

  • Health problems and stress put a huge amount of pressure on our relationships. Be those with your partner, your children, your friends and your colleagues. Working with a Health Coach will help you improve both your mental and physical health. This will naturally flow on to your relationships as you are better able manage mood, stress and daily pressures.

  • Sleep is crucial to feeling healthy, maintaining a clear head and energy and as a cornerstone of longevity and quality of life. There are times in our lives when sleep is disproportionately impacted and it is so important to create healthy habits and strategies for good sleep. A health coach can help you figure out what might be impacting sleep and how you can make adjustments to your routine that can help achieve a deep and rejuvenating sleep.

  • There are times in all of our lives where we can feel like we want to go in a new direction but are not sure how to make that happen. Working with your Health Coach you can prioritise your goals and create sustainable accountability for achieving the goals at your pace. This can be in areas such as career, education, emotional well being, creativity, and more.

  • Recovery from a serious injury is not just about healing a broken part of your body. Working with your Health Coach can help you better support your recovery through building resilience, reaching health goals and improving cognitive health among others

  • It can be a huge fright when we find out there is an impact of our health that needs our immediate attention. Insulin resistance, pre diabetes, chronic inflammation, bowel and GI issues are serious and with help their impact can be reduced and symptoms eased. Partnering with a health coach can help you stay find solutions and stick with them while making your symptoms more managable or reduced.

Problem solving together

  • I don’t have time already, how can I fit all this in?

    There never seems to be enough time for everything and making changes under time pressure can make it even harder to stick with it.

    I can help you figure out how to fit small changes into your life that work for you.

    Prioritising your health and wellbeing with a coach can enable you to bring balance to the pressures you are under.

  • Money is tight already, can I afford it?

    When money is tight we have to ensure that we make purchases and financial commitments wisely.

    However the cost of illness and recovery is often far greater than we anticipate. Reduced ability to function at your peak can have financial implications for many years ahead if your income and savings are effected.

    Investing in your physical and mental health pays dividends for so many years for yourself, and your family.

  • I feel like there is a piece of the puzzle missing in my life, but I'm not sure what it is.

    Working with a Health Coach is more than just diet and lifestyle.

    We look at other components of your life including; career, finances, creativity, spirituality, joy, your social life, relationships, your home environment, cooking, physical activity and more.

    Identifying where you want to put more energy and creating more balance across these areas of your life can be a game changer.

  • My doctor told me I need to change my diet and life style but I don’t know where to start?

    There is so much information and it is hard to know what to trust and what is the right thing for you and your busy life.

    I can help you prioritise your goals and identify what methods will work for your unique lifestyle needs and pressures.

  • I’ve tried to change my diet and lifestyle in the past but I can’t stick to it?

    Its lonely trying to make changes by yourself and it is hard to stick with it with it when you don’t see a benefit

    Working with a health coach provides accountability to achieve goals and support to see your way through when its tough. Having a partner to help re-look at challenges and blocks to change can help provide a path to success you hadn’t been able to see before

  • I want to feel better and have more energy but I don’t know how?

    There are so many things that can feel overwhelming, from gut health, brain fog, hormone changes, physical and emotional wellbeing, to reducing stress and burnout and sleeping better.

    Working with a health coach can you look at the whole picture and get a sense of where challenges may be.

    You can then identify the priorities that fit with your goals. Sometimes it is the smallest tweaks that can bring greatest reward.

“I have found that there are so many small things we can do every day that make a huge impact on our lifestyle, but we have to have the right mindset to do it and getting that right by yourself can be hard.

Working with a Health Coach is a cost and time effective way to start making those changes and living the difference.”